Operating Manual V 1.1 – 01/2010
2. Safety
Warnings – Operating the instrument
• Takecarewhenhandlingdisposablebladesandsapphireblades.Thecuttingedgeisextremely
sharp and can cause serious injuries!
Always wear work safety shoes and safety gloves!
• AlwaysclampthespecimenblockBEFOREclampingtheblade/knife.
• Ifmakingadjustmentsorconfiguringsettingsinthespecimenarea,takethebladeoutofthe
holder in order to prevent cutting injuries from accidental contact with the blade.
• Caution!Riskofinfectionwhenworkingwithfreshtissueorwithmaterialwhereaninfection
cannot be excluded!
• Thereisafirehazardfromanuncoveredmagnifier!Coverorremovethemagnifierwhenthe
instrument is unsupervised.
• Thecyanoacrylateadhesiveintheaccessoriespackageincludedforthetissuesampleadheres
very quickly to human skin. Avoid contact with fingers when using the adhesive.
Proper handling
• Alwaysbeexceptionallycarefulwhenhandlingthebladesorknife!Alwaysmakesuretohandle
a blade in a way that cannot cause you injury. If possible, grasp the blade using a pincers or
hold it by its blunt ends only.
• Donotleaveopenbladeslyingaroundafterremoval.Whendisposingofusedblades,apply
common "Scotch" tape over the cutting edge or wrap the entire blade with paper.
• Allappropriatesafetyprecautionsmustbemettoavoidtheriskofinfection!
• Wearingsafetygloves,amaskandsafetygoggles—inaccordancewiththe'Workingwith
• Caution!Riskofinfectionwhenworkingwithfreshtissueorwithmaterialwhereaninfection
cannot be excluded!
• If,despitethis,youcomeintodirectcontactwiththecyanoacrylateadhesiveprovided,first
allow the adhesive to air dry, then wipe it off with a towel soaked in acetone. When uninten-
tional bonding of skin occurs, separate by a "peeling" (rather than pulling) action after applying
acetone to the bond area.