
Intermediate gear bearing pre-load
1. Select neutral.
2. Screw a suitable bolt into tapped hole in end of
tool LRT-41-005.
3. Insert tool LRT-41-005 in end of mainshaft.
4. Using a suitable torque meter on tool
LRT-41-005, check and record torque to turn
mainshaft input gears.
5. Tighten the intermediate shaft nut in small
stages checking the torque to turn the input
gears until the mainshaft input gear torque to
turn figure recorded in operation 4 has
increased by 1.25 Nm (10 lbf.in).
CAUTION: Take great care not to
overtighten nut as this will cause
excessive bearing pre-load. If torque to
turn figure is inadvertently exceeded, a new
collapsible spacer must be fitted.
6. When torque to turn figure - intermediate gear
bearing pre-load is correct, stake flange of
intermediate shaft nut into recess in
intermediate shaft.
7. Remove tool LRT-41-005.
NOTE: Discovery cover plate illustrated.
Up to serial no. 288709E:
Fit and tighten 2
countersunk screws to secure mainshaft input
gear bearing housing.
9. Remove 2 bolts used to temporarily secure
mainshaft input gear bearing housing.
From serial no. 288709E:
Remove mainshaft
input gear bearing housing then apply Hylosil
2000 sealant to main casing mating face of
bearing housing; position housing on main
casing ensuring that reference marks are
aligned. Fit and tighten 2 countersunk screws -
if fitted.
If fitted
11. Lubricate a new ’O’ ring with recommended oil
and fit to oil feed plate.
12. Fit oil feed plate ensuring that word TOP is
towards top of main casing and spigots are
located in cut-outs.
NOTE: If a replacement input gear having
a cross-drilled shaft is to be fitted, discard
oil feed plate and ’O’ ring.