Attach one of the two wires
(doesn’t matter which) from the
left turn signal to the white wire
from the gray cable.
Photo 8
MXC Taillight Mounting
Hardware Locations
Attach the two remaining wires
from the turn signals to the
black double-female connector
from the gray cable.
Once the connections are made, drill
several small holes and zip-tie the
harness into place along the same slot
as the stock taillight wires as shown in
Photo 7. EXC - You may now reinstall
the taillight onto the fender and
reinstall the fender onto the bike.
MXC – Since the MXC fender does
not have the molded bosses to accept
EXC style mounting screws, you must
drill two ¼” holes through the tallight
and fender plastic and use the
provided countersunk hardware to
mount the taillight as shown in Photo
8. Route the wires to the front of the
airbox as shown in Photo 9.
Photo 9
Rear harness
and taillight
wire routing
12. Mid Harness Installation: Locate the
remaining gray cable that came in the
dual-sport kit. This will be used to
mate the taillight, brakeswitch, and
rear turn signal wiring to the rest of the
lighting system. One end of this
harness will have a 6-pin plastic
connector with a short extension that
terminates with a 2-pin connector.
Feed this end through the opening
directly above the shock reservoir and
out the right side of the bike next to
the carburetor as shown in Photo 10.
Next, feed the 2 plugs over the back
side of the carb to left side of the bike.
Then, following the stock wiring
harness, route the plugs to the front of
the bike along the left side of the
frame. The 6-pin plug should
terminate at the location shown in
Photo 11. We will attach these plugs
in a later step.
Photo 10
6-pin plug
Photo 11
Position 6-pin
plug here