7.4Shifting, riding
Danger of accidents An abrupt load alterations can cause the vehicle to get out of control.
– Avoid abrupt load alterations and sudden braking actions, and adapt your speed to the road conditions.
Danger of accidents If you change down at high engine speed, the rear wheel can lock up.
– Do not change into a low gear at high engine speed. The engine races and the rear wheel can block.
Danger of accidents Malfunctions caused by incorrect ignition key position.
– Do not change the ignition key position during a journey.
Danger of accidents Distraction from traffic activity by adjustments to the vehicle.
– Make all adjustments when the vehicle is at a standstill.
Risk of injury The passenger must be able to sit securely on the passenger seat.
– The passenger must hold on to the rider or supporting strap firmly and place his/her feet on the passenger footrests. Observe
the regulations concerning the minimum age for passengers in your country.
Danger of accidents Danger of accidents caused by dangerous driving.
– Observe the traffic regulations and ride defensively and with foresight in order to recognize danger as early as possible.