The switch panel in this kit controls all the lighting functions in one compact
package. Using the lighting selector, push the switch to the second position.
The rear taillight should come on. Test the brake-light. Test the turn signals.
Honk the horn (unless its after 11 PM!).
Because the headlight is
powered directly off the
coil, (not backed up by
the battery) it will not
turn on until the engine
is running. The low-
beam will be lit in both
the second and third
switch positions when
the engine is running.
EXC - The stock
headlight switch must be
in the “on” position for
the headlight to function.
First Position:
Shuts off bike,
turns off lights
Second Position:
Low Beam
Third Position:
Low Beam
Fourth Position:High
Kill Button
Turn Signal
Photo 22
Note: The switch must
now be in one of the
upper three positions
for the bike to start.
Click the main switch
into the “off” position if
using the button to kill
the engine. If you don’t,
the taillight will remain lit
and discharge the
If every thing is working properly congratulate yourself on a job well done.
Proceed to the “wrapping it up” section. If not, don't worry, it's not rocket science
and we should be able to figure it out. All the components were checked for
operation prior to being shipped to you so something is probably not connected
correctly. See the trouble-shooting list in the next section of this manual.
Wrapping it Up: It is important that all the wires be properly routed and secured.
Double-check the photos and sketches with regards to wire routing. Make sure
the wires do not pass over any sharp edges, are pulled overly tight, or can be
crushed by the seat, tank, fender, etc. Use all the zip ties provided to securely
fasten the wires. Any unwanted movement or chafing means early failure when