64 VP-725NA - VP-725NA Communication Protocol
Communication Protocol of the VP-725NA
Function Parameter Description
4: Max
5: Off
0 1 147
0: 1280x768x60
Mode Set – Mode 3
0 1 148
0: Off
EDID Write Protect
0 1 151
0: Video Group
1: Audio Group
2: AV Group
3: Scaler
4: Master Audio
5: Master AV
Group/Master SELECT
Note :
Error when SELECT ≠ Video Group/Audio
Group/AV Group
If there is no Audio board, parameters = 1/2/4/
are not allowed
0 1 157
0: VGA1
1: VGA2
2: VGA3
3: VGA4
4: HDMI1
5: HDMI2
6: HDMI3
7: HDMI4
8: COMP1
9: COMP2
10: COMP3
11: COMP4
12: YC1
13: YC2
14: YC3
15: YC4
16: CV1
17: CV2
18: CV3
19: CV4
Select Video Input channel
Note :
Before selecting the video input channel,
command function 151 (SELECT function)
must be used for Scaler or Group source
For “Get” command, when SELECT = Video
Group use one of these “Parameter”s:
2-1. Parameter = 0 ~ 3 for getting VGA Group
2-2. Parameter = 4 ~ 7 for getting HDMI Group
2-3. Parameter = 8 ~ 11 for getting COMP
2-4. Parameter = 12 ~ 15 for getting YC Group
2-5. Parameter = 16 ~ 19 for getting CV Group
2-6. Parameter = 20 or others are unavailable
0 1 158
0: All Off
1: Override
2: Mix
MIC Control
0 1 161 -30 ~ +10 HDMI Group In Volume
0 1 162 -30 ~ 10 HDMI Group Out Volume
0 1 163 -30 ~ +10 COMP Group In Volume
0 1 164 -30 ~ 10 COMP Group Out Volume
0 1 165 -30 ~ +10 YC Group In Volume
0 1 166 -30 ~ 10 YC Group Out Volume
0 1 167 -30 ~ +10 CV Group In Volume
0 1 168 -30 ~ 10 CV Group Out Volume
0 1 169 -30 ~ +10 Master In Volume
0 1 170 -100 ~ 24 Master Out Volume
0 1 171 -100 ~ 24 MIC In Volume
0 1 172
0: OSD ON = disable
1: OSD ON = enable
To Enable/Disable OSD ON
0 1 173
0: PIP source select = 0
1: PIP source select = 1
Hot key PIP source select, same as remote
control key