Tab Area Settings
5.2 The Device Settings Tab
Device setting readout is possible with standalone room controllers and K-NET Master RC or Aux
K-NET devices connected with a K-NET cable to their Master RC, as defined in the Room Control
tree. Figure 40 shows the device settings tab:
Figure 40: The Device Settings Tab
1. Click Connect To Device:
The Connect window appears (see Figure 41).
2. Select the connection method to the standalone controller or Master RC.
Figure 41: Device Selection Dialog Box
Table 6: Connect Dialog Box
Feature Function
Method Area
Check to select the connection to the device via the Ethernet, USB or
Serial port
Ethernet Area IP: Type the IP address of the device to which you want to connect.
Port: shows the port number.
Factory Default Address Button: Click to reset the IP address to its
default value
USB Area Port: select the communication USB port.
Refresh Ports: click to check if there are ports ready to connect on the
Kramer device
Serial Select Port: select the communication port
UFigure 42U and UTable 7U define the device settings after connecting to the device26F
Figure 42: The Device Settings Tab (Device with Time Server Options Connected)
The actual visible settings change according to the device