■ To pause the recording…
You can pause your recording at any time. This feature is useful for
recording a part a little at a time, etc.
1. If you want to pause the recording, press PAUSE.
The PAUSE button lights up. The START/STOP button continues flashing.
2. To resume recording, first press the REC button, then press the
PART button for the part you want to record. The button will flash.
The part stands by to start recording.
3. To start recording, do any of the following: press START/STOP, press
PAUSE, hit any key, or step on any pedal. Recording will also start if
you press the appropriate SOUND buttons to select another sound.
If you use START/STOP to begin recording, the piano gives you a 2-
measure count-in before starting to record. If you use any of the other
methods, the piano starts recording immediately. The piano will also
begin recording if it receives a MIDI message (p. 31) on the channel
assigned to the part that is standing by to record.
When you pause and then resume a recording, you may get a rough
transition at the resume point. A good way to avoid this problem is to use
the metronome when recording. With the metronome running, press the
PAUSE button in sync with the beat at which you want to pause. When you
resume, recording will begin again from that beat point.
■ To Play a Recording...
1. Look at the the PART 1 and PART 2 buttons to see which parts have
recorded data.
The button is dark if no recorded data is present. The button is lit solid if
the part has been recorded.
If both parts are recorded but you only want to play one of the parts,
press the PART button for the part you do not want to play, so that the
button goes dark.
2. Press START/STOP to start playback.
The START/STOP button flashes in sync with the tempo as playback
proceeds, with a long flash (eighth note) on the first beat in the measure
and a shorter flash (sixteenth note) on the remaining beats. You can use the
TEMPO knob (p. 16) to change the tempo while playback is in progress.
3. When you are ready to stop playback, press START/STOP again.
Playback stops, and the playback position returns to the first measure.
Press START/STOP again to restart the song from the beginning. If you
wish to pause the playback, press the PAUSE button (so that the button
lights up). To resume playback, press PAUSE again.
Playback stops automatically when it reaches the end of the recorded
data.The START/STOP button goes dark, and the playback position returns
to the first measure.