TRITON Training Guide
"So how do I determine which drum sounds (notes) play a specific tone?"
8. On the Pattern Edit page, press to highlight the Tone No.: >00 parameter (lower-right of the display).
Make sure that this parameter is set to 00 (Tone 0) - if not, press the 6value key, or press the Numeric
key 0, then ENTER to select Tone 00. This is the bottom line in the Step grid (0).
9. Notice that the Fixed Note No. for Tone 0 is set to B2. That's the kick drum you hear when you trigger
the pattern - it's on the Step grid at steps 1, 7, 13, 19 and 21.
10. Press to highlight Fixed Note No.: B2, then press the 5value key once, to change it to C3. Play and hold
a note on the keyboard to hear the new kick drum. You haven't changed the pattern data yet you've only
changed the note number that plays Tone 0 on the Step grid.
11. Hold down the ENTER key and press note B2, or use the 6value key to change the kick drum to B2.
"This is too cool ! So how do I edit the kick drum steps in the pattern?"
12. Press to highlight Step No.: > 01 (left side, below the Step grid). Make sure this parameter is set to 01. If
not, use the 6value key to set it to 01. The vertical line on the left of the Step grid indicates the selected
step number. Also make sure that the Tone No. (right side) is set to 00.
13. Press the 5value key twice - to move to Step No.: 03 (or use the DIAL). The vertical line indicates no
step has been programmed for step number 03.
14. On the Numeric keypad, press 0. A white dot will appear at step 03. Play and hold a note on the
keyboard to hear the new kick drum edit for Tone 0.
15. Continue moving to new step numbers along the grid, then enter more tones for Tone No. 0. If you
decide you don't want a tone at a certain step, just move to that step and press 0, then ENTER on the
Numeric keypad. You'll see the tone (white dot) disappear from the Step Grid - press 0, then ENTER on
the Numeric keypad again - to "toggle" the tones on and off.
"What about editing a simple melody line in an arpeggio pattern?"
16. Press the PROG key to exit GLOBAL mode, then select Program A070 Euro 8va Bass.
17. Press the GLOBAL key to enter GLOBAL mode, press the MENU key, then press P6 User Arpeggio.
18. Press the Pattern Setup tab button and check the Latch box to latch the pattern.
19. Press the Pattern Edit tab button.
20. Turn ON the ARPEGGIATOR and play note C2 (Low-C) on the keyboard to trigger the pattern.