Error messages & Troubleshooting
Error messages
File Not Found (Press Exit)
The file is not in the current medium. The disk has probably
been replaced before finishing the disk operation. Insert the
disk again, and try again.
Format Completed (Press Exit)
Formatting has been successfully completed.
Format aborted (Press Exit)
Format operation aborted.
Format failed! (Press Exit)
An error occurred during Format. Format operation aborted.
Illegal name (Press Exit)
The name is not allowed on Pa-series instruments.
Insert 1.4MB FD and press Enter
While saving the operating system, Pa50 asks for a floppy disk
(1.44 Mbyte, High Density).
Insert 1.4MB FD #[n] and press Enter
While executing a Backup procedure (see “Backup Data” on
page 141), Pa50 asks for the first floppy disk (1.44 Mbyte,
High Density). After filling this disk, the following disks will
be asked for.
Place the label on the disks, and write their progressive num-
ber on it. You will use these numbers when restoring data (see
“Restore Data” on page 142).
Insert Backup FD n.[n] and Press Enter
During a Restore operation (see “Restore Data” on page 142),
you are prompted to insert Backup disks. Insert the disk with
the shown number.
Invalid Copy Parameter (Press Exit)
The copy operation was not possible. Maybe you were trying
to copy a file over itself, or copying nested folders.
Load Failed! (Press Exit)
The Load procedure has not been executed. Try again, or try
with different files.
Make New Dir Failed! (Press Exit)
While trying to create a new directory, an error occurred.
Media Write-Protected (Press Exit)
The disk is physically protected. Remove the protection, and
try again.
Memory full
This message appears in Backing Sequence mode, when the
memory for recording a Song is full.
No Disk/Unformatted. (Sh+Enter to Format)
Either there is no floppy disk in the drive, or the disk is
unformatted. Insert a disk, and try again, or press
SHIFT+ENTER to start formatting the disk.
Not a Pa-series or Corrupted File
The file you are trying to load is not compatible with Pa-
series instruments.
Not Enough Space on Media
There is no more space to load, save or copy data. The disk
operation will be aborted. Replace the disk, and use an empty
disk to save your data. Should this message appear during
loading, the SSD (Solid State Disk)-based internal memory is
Nothing to Rename (Press Exit)
There are no items to rename.
Overwrite Existing File? (Yes/No)
You are writing data on an existing “.SET” folder, or on a file
of type “.MID” or “.JBX”.
Overwrite on Backup? (Enter/Exit)
Press ENTER/YES to overwrite files carrying the same name
on the target device, or EXIT/NO to avoid overwriting any
Overwrite on Copy? (Enter/Exit)
Press ENTER/YES to overwrite files carrying the same name
on the target device (Press Exit)/NO to avoid overwriting any
file. File that are not yet on disk are always copied.
Overwrite Protected Files? (Enter/Exit)
Protected files cannot usually be overwritten. By pressing
ENTER, you can overwrite them during the current opera-
Rename: Invalid Name (Press Exit)
You can’t use the name you entered. Please retry and select a
different name.
Rename: New Name Must Be a \".SET\
You can’t modify a “.SET” folder extension.
Rename Failed! (Press Exit)
An error occurred during Rename. Rename operation
Save Failed! (Press Exit)
An error occurred during Save. Save operation aborted.
Some Files Missing (Press Exit)
This message may appear at the end of a Restore operation.
Some User file may be missing. This is not a problem for the
Factory Data integrity.
Unit Not Found (Press Exit)
You were trying to access a storage device not available on
your instrument.
Unformatted medium
You have selected a medium (disk) that is not yet formatted,
or is in a format that Pa50 can’t recognize. Format the
medium using the Format procedure (see “Page 5 - Format”
on page 140).
Pa50 is busy with a disk operation.