• Tone: At each step, a chord consisting of up to 12
tones (Tone No. 00–11) can be sounded.
To input tones, select “Step (Step No.)” and then
use numeric keys [0]–[9], [–], and [./HOLD] to
input tones. The “Tone No.” corresponds to the
[0]–[9], [–], and [./HOLD] keys as shown below.
Each time you press a [0]–[9], [–], or [./HOLD]
key, the corresponding tone will be turned on/
off. The horizontal lines of the grid shown in the
center of the LCD screen indicate the tones.
Tone00–09: [0]–[9] keys
Tone10: [–] key
Tone11: [./HOLD] key
Creating an example pattern
1 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 01, and press the [0] key.
2 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 02, and press the [1] key.
3 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 03, and press the [2] key.
4 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 04, and press the [1] key.
5 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 05, and press the [3] key.
6 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 06, and press the [1] key.
7 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 07, and press the [2] key.
8 Set “Step (Step No.)” to 08, and press the [1] key.
9 When you play the keyboard as shown in the
illustration, the arpeggiator will begin playing.
Tone 0 corresponds to the pitch of the lowest key of
chord you play on the keyboard. (If “Sort” is
unchecked, it will correspond to the pitch of the
first note you play.) Likewise, Tone 1 is the next
highest pitch played on the keyboard, and so on up
to 12 tones in any one step.
0 For steps 01–08, make settings for “Ptch (Pitch Off-
set),” “Gt (Gate),” “Vel (Velocity),” and “Flam.”
“Ptch (Pitch Offset)”: This offsets the pitch of the
arpeggio note in semitones up or down. You can
input the same tone for each step, and change the
“Ptch (Pitch Offset)” value for each to create a mel-
ody using a single tone. (
☞“Melody pattern”)
“Gt (Gate)”: Specify the length of the arpeggio note
for each step. With a setting of LGT, the note will
continue sounding either until the next note of the
same tone or until the end of the pattern. With a set-
ting of Off, the note will not sound.
“Vel (Velocity)”: Specify the strength of the note.
With a setting of Key, the note will sound at the
strength with which it was actually played.
The “Gt (Gate)” and “Vel (Velocity)” settings you
make here will be valid if the “Gt (Gate)” and “Vel
(Velocity)” parameters (PROG 6.1: Ed–Arp.,
Arpeg. Setup page) of the program selected in Pro-
gram mode are set to Step. If these parameters
have a setting other than Step, the “Gt (Gate)” and
“Vel (Velocity)” that were specified for each indi-
vidual step will be ignored, and all notes of the
arpeggio will sound according to the settings in
PROG 6.1: Ed-Arp. Be sure to verify the settings of
the program.
Before you set “Gt (Gate),” move the REALTIME
CONTROLS C-mode [ARP-GATE] knob to the
center position (12 o’clock).
Before you set “Vel (Velocity),” move the REAL-
knob to the center position (12 o’clock).
A To change the user arpeggio pattern name, use the
Utility “Rename Arpeggio Pattern” (
B If you wish to save the edited user arpeggio pat-
tern to internal memory, be sure to Write the user
arpeggio pattern (
If you turn off the power without writing, the edited
contents will be lost.
C If you wish to save the state of the program at the
same time, return to Program mode and write the
program (☞p.43).
Tone No.
01 05 Step No.