
Why did the dough only partially mix? Check to make sure that the kneading blades and
baking tins are inserted properly. Also check the dough
consistency. After 5 minutes of kneading, check the
dough. If it is too dry, add liquid, if it is too moist, add
our. Only add 1/2 to 1 tablespoon at a time.
Why didn’t the bread rise? The yeast might have passed the expiry date.
Possibly no yeast was added at all. Check the condition
of the yeast.
How will I know when to add fruits and The Fruit & Nuts beep signals when to add raisins,
nuts to the bread? nuts, etc. If it is more convenient for you to add them
at the start, you will still have acceptable results.
However, the added ingredients may be chopped during
the kneading process.
My baked bread is too moist. What can I do? Humidity may affect the dough. After 5 minutes of
kneading, check the dough. If it appears too moist, add
more fl our, 1/2 to 1 tablespoon at a time. To obtain the
best results, take the baked bread out of the tin soon
after the end of the baking process.
Why do I get air bubbles at the top This can be caused by using too much yeast.
of the bread?
When using raisins, the bread machine To avoid the chopping of ingredients as raisins, nuts etc.,
crushes them. How can I avoid this? do not add them before the Fruit & Nuts Beep. To get
the best results, use dry raisins. Also check your dough
consistency, as the dough will not incorporate the
raisins easily if it is too dry.
Why does my bread rise and collapse? The bread may be rising too fast. To reduce the speed
of rising, reduce the amount of water and / or increase
the amount of salt and / or decrease the amount of yeast.
Can I use my own recipes in my bread machine? Yes, but you will need to experiment to get the right
proportion of ingredients. Before trying your own
recipes, familiarize yourself with the appliance and
make several loaves following the recipes provided in
this manual. Never use more fl our than the specifi ed
total amount of 2 1/4 cups. Use the recipes in this book
to help you determine the ratio of fl our to the amounts
of liquid, yeast, sugar, salt and fat.
Why do the loaves vary in height and weight? No, it is normal for whole wheat and multi-grain
The whole wheat and multi-grain breads are breads to be shorter and denser than Basic or French
always shorter. Am I doing something wrong? breads. Whole wheat and rye do not rise less during the
bread making process. The typically added ingredients,
such as oats, bran, nuts and raisins, also contribute to
the shorter height and denser texture.