TP-6804 1/1566 Section 5 Scheduled Maintenance
5.2.5 Resetting the Maintenance Timer
14/20RESA (RDC2):
1. From theOverview menu, step downto the Genset
Run Time menu.
2. Press the Select button and then step down to the
Next Maintenance screen.
3. Press the Select button.
4. Press the Up arrow button so that “Reset Maint
Timer? Yes” is displayed.
5. Press the Select button. After about two
minutes, the new maintenance interval and date
are displayed.
14/20RESAL (DC2):
1. Press and hold the OFF and AUTO buttons
together until Maintenance Timer Reset is
2. Release the OFF and AUTO buttons.
5.2.6 Oil Cooler 20RESA/RESAL
Inspect and cleanthe oil cooler at the intervals indicated
in the service schedule. The oil cooler must bekept free
of debris.
See Figure 5-3 for the oil cooler location. The oil cooler
is located under the N o. 2 cylinder shroud. Remove the
top mounting screw and loosen the two side screws,
then lift off the cylinder shroud.
Clean the outside of the oil cooler fins with a brush or
with compressed air.
62 59001
1. Oil cooler
Figure 5-3 Oil Cooler Location
5.3 Spark Plugs
Accidental starting.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Disconnect the battery cables before
working on the generator set.
Remove the negative (--) lead first
when disconnecting the battery.
Reconnect the negative (--) lead last
when reconnecting the battery.
Disabling the generator set. Accidental starting can
cause severe injury or death. Before working on the
generator set o r equipment connected to the set, disable the
generator set as follows: (1) Press the generator set off/reset
button to shut down the generator set. (2) Disconnect the
power to the battery charger, if equipped. (3) Remove the
battery cables, negative (--) lead first. Reconnect the negative
(--) lead last when reconnecting the battery. Follow these
precautions to prevent the starting of the generator set by the
remote start/stop switch.
Hot engine and exh aust system.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Do not work on the generator set until
it cools.
Reset the spark plug gap or replace the plugs with new
plugs as necessary.
1. Clean thearea around the baseof thespark plug to
keep dirt and debris out of the engine.
2. Remove the spark plug and check its condition.
Replace the spark plug if it is worn or if its reuse is
3. Check the spark plug gap using a wire feeler
gauge. See Figure 5-4 for the recommended
spark plug gap. Adjust the gap by carefully
bending the ground electrode. See Figure 5-5 and
Figure 5-6.
4. Reinstall the spark plug into the cylinder head.
Torque the spark plug to 24.4--29.8 Nm
(18--22 ft. lb.)