
¥ Enable Network DownloadÑThe default state.
¥ Restart in Other BankÑThe only way to cause the older image to
execute when the images differ. The effect is temporary. A power cycle
will always run the newer image. Use this command to compare the
old version to the new version to identify problems.
¥ Copy This Image to Other BankÑUsed to make the images
identical. This command updates the alternate bank with the new main
bank version when the user is satisÞed with the new Þrmware image.
To revert to an old Þrmware version, use the Restart in Other Bank
command. When the old version comes up, this command will copy the
old version over the new.
C.3 Resetting the NIC to Factory Defaults
In addition to resetting the NIC to its factory defaults, completing this
procedure also resets the IP Address to
1. Place the NIC faceplate mode switches, D1 and D2 in the down
2. Power cycle the printer.
3. Wait until the printer returns to the Ready state.
4. Toggle switch D1 up and down quickly at least 5 times. (1 Toggle is
deÞned as one up and down cycle of the switch.)
5. Reset switches D1 and D2 back into normal mode.
6. Power cycle the printer.