
Speed Control Guide – 10 Speed Mixers
Stir STIRRING For slow stirring, combining, mashing,
starting all mixing procedures. Use to
add flour and dry ingredients to batter,
and add liquids to dry ingredients. Do
not use STIR speed to mix or knead
yeast doughs.
2SLOW MIXING For slow mixing, mashing, faster
stirring. Use to mix and knead yeast
doughs, heavy batters and candies,
start mashing potatoes or other
vegetables, cut shortening into flour,
mix thin or splashy batters.
4 MIXING, For mixing semi-heavy batters, such as
BEATING cookies. Use to combine sugar and
shortening and to add sugar to egg
whites for meringues. Medium speed for
cake mixes.
6 BEATING, For medium–fast beating (creaming) or
CREAMING whipping. Use to finish mixing cake,
doughnut, and other batters. High speed
for cake mixes.
8FAST BEATING, For whipping cream, egg whites, and
WHIPPING boiled frostings.
10 FAST WHIPPING For whipping small amounts of cream or
egg whites, or for final whipping of
mashed potatoes.
Use Speed 2 to mix or knead yeast doughs. Use of any other speed creates high
potential for unit failure.
All speeds feature Soft Start™ operation, which minimizes splash-out and flour-
puff. The mixer will start slowly before increasing to the selected speed.