General Instructions
For Making And Kneading Yeast Dough
with the Rapid Mix Method
“Rapid Mix” describes a bread baking
method that calls for dry yeast to be
mixed with other dry ingredients
before liquid is added. In contrast,
the traditional method is to dissolve
yeast in warm water.
1. Place all dry ingredients including
yeast into bowl, except last 1 to 2
cups (250 to 500 mL) flour.
2. Attach bowl and dough hook.
Turn to Speed 2 and mix about 15
seconds, or until ingredients are
3. Continuing on Speed 2, gradually
add liquid ingredients to flour
mixture and mix 1 to 2 minutes
longer. See Illustration A.
Note: If liquid ingredients are added
too quickly, they will form a pool
around the dough hook and slow
down mixing process.
4. Continuing on Speed 2, gently add
remaining flour,
⁄2 cup (125 mL) at
a time. See Illustration B. Mix until
dough clings to hook and cleans
sides of bowl, about 2 minutes.
5. When dough clings to hook,
knead on Speed 2 for 2 minutes,
or until dough is smooth and
elastic. See Illustration C.
6. Unlock and tilt back head (tilt-head
models) or lower bowl (bowl-lift
models) and remove dough from
hook. Follow directions in recipe
for rising, shaping and baking.
When using the traditional method
to prepare a favourite recipe, dissolve
yeast in warm water in warmed bowl.
Add remaining liquids and dry ingre-
dients, except last 1 to 2 cups (250 to
500 mL) flour. Turn to Speed 2 and mix
about 1 minute, or until ingredients
are thoroughly mixed. Proceed with
Steps 4 through 6.
Both methods work equally well for
bread preparation. However, the
“Rapid Mix” method may be a bit
faster and easier for new bread
bakers. It is slightly more temperature
tolerant because the yeast is mixed
with dry ingredients rather than with
warm liquid.