C AU T I O N : This unit is sealed. The cover is not re m o vabl e .
• Seven (7) years after initial power up, this unit will "chirp"
every 30 seconds to indicate that it is time to replace the
a l a r m. After seven years, the device may no longer detect
carbon monoxide accurately and should be re p l a c e d
immediately. To help identify the date to replace the unit,
a label has been affixed to the side of the alarm. Wr i t e
the "Replace by" date (7 years from power up) in
p e rmanent marker on the label. Remove the mounting
plate from the back of the alarm by holding the mounting
plate and twisting the alarm in the direction indicated by
the “OFF” arrow on the alarm cover.
• After selecting the proper Smoke/CO alarm location as
described on Pages 8-10, and wiring the AC Quick-
Connect wire harness as described in Wi ri n g, attach the
mounting plate to the electrical box. To ensure
aesthetic alignment of the alarm with the hallway, or
wall, the "A" line on the mounting plate must be
parallel with the hallway when ceiling mounted, or
horizontal when wall mounted.
• Pull the AC Quick-Connect wire harness through the
center hole in the mounting bracket and secure the
bracket, making sure that the mounting screws are
positioned in the small ends of the keyholes before
t i g h t e n i n g .
• Plug the AC Quick-Connect wire harn e s s into the back
of the alarm (see Figure 2), making sure that the locks on
the connector snap into place. Push the excess wire back
into the electrical box through the hole in the center of
the mounting plate.
I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t a l l a t i o n
• Install the alarm on the mounting plate and rotate
the alarm in the direction of the “ON” arrow on the
cover until the alarm ratchets into place (this
ratcheting function allows for aesthetic alignment).
Note: The alarm will mount to the bracket in 4
positions (every 90 degrees).
• Turn on the AC power. The green AC Power On
Indicator should be lit when the alarm is operating
from AC power.
• For model KN-COSM-IBCA only, pull the Battery
Pull Tab (yellow tab protruding from unit)
completely out of unit. This will automatically
connect the battery.
CAUTION: Due to the loudness (85 decibels) of the
alarm, always stand an arms length away from the unit
when testing.
The Test/Reset/Hush
button has four purposes - it
tests the unit’s electronics, resets the CO alarm,
activates the Hush
feature, and activates the Peak
Level Memory feature.
After installation, test the unit’s electronics by pressing
the Test/Reset/Hush
button for five seconds. A series
of beeps will sound, followed by the message,
"Fire! Feu!" then another series of beeps and the
message, "Carbon Monoxide! Monoxyde de carbone!"
followed by 4 additional short beeps.
The unit needs to be tested weekly! If at anytime it
does not perform as described, verify that the power is
connected correctly and that the battery is fresh. Clean
any dust or other buildup on the unit. If it still does
not operate properly, call the Consumer Hotline at
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