3. Remove slide return spring.
4. Place coin(s) in coin slot(s) and push forward all the way.
5. Remove buffer.
6. Turn coin chute upside down and install or remove required
number of block-out keys. Remove keys to increase vend,
add keys to lower vend.
7. Reassemble buffer.
8. Pull slide back to original position and reassemble slide
return spring.
9. Set new vend price by adding or removing the appropriate
block-out keys and/or dime inserts according to Table of
Vend Prices.
PRICE 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 s
o I|||||||
i5o¢ lll]l:llll I
i Bo¢ DII][]IIII
!75_ | I[][lDII I
s5¢ Bl[]rl[]li i
i_1.oo Ill]Bllllll
i_l.flO ulrlNrlBII
i_1.25 |rlrlrlrlrl| |
i÷1.35 BII]BI]BBI
i_1.5o irlBrlBrlrll
i_1.Bo BBrlBBBBI
i_1.75 Igggrlrlgg
pl.a5 BrlBrlBrlrlB
p2,00 I rlrlrlrlrlrlrl
• Black slots are closed off by block-out key. To remove
block-out keys, pull straight up.
• Be sure block-out keys and/or dime inserts are seated
properly and ratchet dog is in place with its spring
connected. Be sure the proper coin sizing block is in
Part # 20-3007 for up to 7 quarters and 1 dime
Part # 20-3006 for up to 8 quarters and 0 dimes
• Unless otherwise ordered, all coin chutes are supplied
with Part 20-3006 in place.
fO. Plug in washer or reconnect power.
NOTE: Refer to the product information sheet provided with the
coin box for additional information.
Fire Hazard
Never place items in the washer that are dampened
with gasoline or other flammable fluids.
No washer can completely remove oil.
Do not dry anything that has ever had any type of oil on
it (including cooking oils).
Doing so can result in death, explosion, or fire.
• Be sure your washer is installed as recommended in the
"Installation Instructions."
• Occasionally check the drain area to be sure lint is not
clogging the drain.
Cycle Time
The cycle time is 191/2minutes plus the fill times for each
wash cycle.
Two-Speed Models
Water Temp. Speeds
Settings Wash Rinse Agitate Spin
Cotton/Sturdy Hot Cold Fast Fast
Permanent Press Warm Cold Fast Fast
Permanent Cold Cold Fast Fast
Delicate Warm Cold Slow Fast
Knit Warm Cold Slow Fast
One-Speed Models
Water Temp. Speeds
Settings Wash Rinse Agitate Spin
Cotton/Sturdy Hot Cold Fast Fast
Permanent Press Warm Cold Fast Fast
Permanent Cold Cold Fast Fast