Cleaning the Shuttle Race
This area must be kept free of dust, lint and tangled thread.
Clean the shuttle race area every three months.
• Cleaning the shuttle area
(_ Bobbin case
(_ Levers
@) Shuttle race cover
(_ Shuttle
@ Shuttle race
(_) Center pin on the shuttle
1. Raise the needle bar to its highest point, then and
remove the bobbin case 1_.
2. Push the shuttle race levers _ aside. Lift out the shuttle
race cover@ and take the shuttle 4_out.
3. Clean the shuttle race _ with a lint brush
4. Put a drop of oil on the center pin of the shuttle ,._ and
the shuttle race (_). Do not over oil.
• Replacing shuttle assembly
(_) Levers
(_) Shuttle race cover
(_ Shuttle
(_) Shuttle race
(_) Center pin on the shuttle
(_ Shuttle driver
_) Pointed hook
(_ (Oil here)
1. Turn the handwheel so the shuttle driver (_ forms a
half moon on the left side of the machine.
2. Hold the shuttle (_ by its center pin(_, and position the
shuttle so it forms a half moon on the right side. The
hook(_will be on the bottom.
3. Put the shuttle race cover (_) back into place over the
shuttle assembly.
4. Snap the levers (_ back into the original position.