(_) Stitch selector:
(_ Stitch length:
Blue zone
(_ Needle thread tension: 1 to 5
Q Presser font: Sliding buttonhole foot
Depending on your preference, you may adjust stitch density
within the blue zone on the stitch length control.
* For more density, turn the stitch length control toward" 0"
(_) Fine stitches for lightweight fabrics
* For less density, turn the stitch length control toward" 1 "
(_)Coarse stitches for heavyweight fabrics.
NOTE: Always check a buttonhole on a scrap of
fabric to make sure the adjustment satisfies you.
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• To sew
Carefully mark the buttonhole length on the fabric Place the
fabric under the foot with the buttonhole marking running
toward you,
Move the slider (A) toward you so that the top mark (C) on the
slider meets the start mark (B). Line up the markings on the
foot with the top mark on the fabric Lower the presser foot1
NOTE: The markings on the slider are engraved in
Set the stitch selector at _ • Sew forward until you reach the
front marking of your buttonhole. Stop sewing at a left stitch.