Saddle Stitch [_
Set the Machine
t cB@ N
A: Zigzag toot
Thread tension
G, Blind stitch hem too_
The Stitch and Its Uses
The saddle stitch is formed wtth one stitch
forward, two stitches backward, and a
fourth stitch forward.
You can achieve a lovely hand-worked look
when topstttchmg suits, blazers, iumpers,
and denim outfits with the saddle stitch.
NOTE: Adjust the needle position for the
effect you want.
Here's How
Sew as you would for topstltching,
To turn corners:
a, Lower the needle into the fabric on the fourth stitch.
b, Raise the presser foot and turn the fabNc.
c. Lower the presser foot and continue to sew.
Helpful Hin__[t
The Biind stitch hem toot Js good to use when topstitching near the edge of the
garment. Just set the edge guide w_th the guide screw.