ALWAYS UNPLUG the coffeemaker from the efeclfic outlet before cleaning. The exterior
of the coffeemaker, the conlrol panel area and the warming plate should only be cleaned
with a soft damp clolh
WARNING: NEVER Immerse the coffeemaker in water or any ltquid_ ]
WARNING: DO NOT clean the warming plate unless it is completely
cooto DO NOT use abrasive cleansers or scouring padsĀ°
Toclean the insideofthe reservoircover,open theone-piece cover,allowingit to restin
theopen positionPutitile waterspreaderhose oul from underthe guide onthe insideof
the lid(See Fig 2), wipesudaeeswilh adamp cJolh,replace waterspreader hoseunder
guide, and close cover Donol useabrasivecleansers or scouringpads,
The slainless steer thermal carafe features a double-walled, vacuurn-insulated design
1, HANDWASH ONLY. Do nol clean the carafe in a dishwasher Wash or dnse by hand
2 NEVER use abrask,e scouring pads or cleansers; they witl scratch and damage the meta!,
3, DO NOT place the carafe on or near a gas or elecldc burner, in a healed oven,
or ina microwave oven,
4 Avoid rough handling and sharp blows