0 Do not turn the camshaft when the plastigage is
between the journal and camshaft cap.
*If any clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the
diameter of each camshaft journal with a micrometer.
Camshaft. Camshaft Cap Clearance
#1. #4 Journals
Standard: 0.028 -0.071 mm
Service limit: 0.16 mm
#2. #3 Journals
Standard: 0.078- 0.121 mm
Service limit: 0.21 mm
A. Apply silicone sealant.
.Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the following
bolt only.
*If the camshaft journal diameter is less than the service
limit (see Specifications), replace the camshaft with a
new one and measure the clearance again.
* If the clearance still remains out of the limit, replace the
cylinder head unit.
Camshaft Chain Wear
.Hold the chain taut with a force of about 5 kg in some
manner, and measure a 20-link length. Since the chain
may wear unevenly, take measurement at several places.
* If any measurement exceeds the service limit, replace the
Camshaft Chain 20-Link length
Standard: 127.0 -127.4 mm
Service Limit: 128.9 mm
A. Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
Chain length Measurement
Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear
.Measure each clearance between the camshaft and the
camshaft cap using plastigage (press gauge).
0 Tighten the camshaft cap bolts to the specified torque
(see Exploded View).
A. Plastigage Width