DFI System Troubleshooting Guide
Symptoms or possible Causes Actions (chapter)
Ignition and engine stop switches not ON Turn both switches ON .
Clutch lever not pulled in and gear not in neutral
er sidestand up or not
Pull the lever in and shift the gear in neutral.
Though clutch lever pulled in, sidestand up and
gear not in neutral
Pull the lever in and shift the gear in neutral.
Vehicle-down sensor coming off Reinstall (see chapter 3).
Vehicle-down sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3) .
ECU ground or power supply trouble Inspect (see chapter 3) .
Battery voltage low Inspect and charge (see chapter 16).
Spark plug dirty, broken or gap maladjusted
Clean spark plug and adjust plug gap (see chapter
k plug cap trouble
ect stick coil (see chapter 16).
Spark plug cap shorted or not in good contact Reinstall or inspect stick coil (see chapter 16).
Spark plug incorrect Replace it with the correct plug (see chapter 16).
IC igniter in ECU trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Neutral, starter lockout or sidestand switch
Inspect each switch (see chapter 16).
Crankshaft sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Stick coil trouble Inspect (see chapter 16).
Ignition switch shorted Inspect and replace ( see chapter 16).
Engine stop switch shorted Inspect and repair or replace (see chapter 16) .
Starter system wiring shorted or open Inspect and repair or replace (see chapter 16).
Main 30A or ignition fuse blown Inspect and replace (see chapter 16).
uel/air mixture incorrect :
Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed or missing
Clean or reinstall (see chapter 3).
Leak from oil filler cap, crankcase breather hose
or air cleaner drain hose
Inspect and repair or replace (see chapter 3).
Water or foreign matter in fuel
Change fuel. Inspect and clean fuel system (see
chapter 3).
Fuel pressure regulator trouble
Inspect fuel pressure and replace fuel pump (see
chapter 3).
Main throttle sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pressure may be l ow Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel pump trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Fuel injector trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Inlet air pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Atmospheric pressure sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Inlet air temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Water temperature sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Crankshaft sensor trouble Inspect (see chapter 3).
Compression low :
Spark plug loose Reinstall (see chapter 16).
Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened down Tighten (see chapter 5).
Cylinder, piston worn Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).
Piston ring bad (worn, weak, broken or sticking) Inspect and replace (see chapter 5).