Wheels (Rims)
Rim Inspection
Remove the wheel, and support it with the tire by the axle.
Measure the rim runout, axial [A] and radial [B], with a dial
If the rim runout exceeds the service limit, check the hub
bearings. Replace them if they are damaged.
If the problem is not due to the bearings, correct the rim
warp (runout). A certain amount of rim warp can be cor-
rected by recentering the rim. Loosen some spokes and
tighten parts of the rim. If the rim is badly bent, however,
it must be replaced.
Rim Runout (with tire installed)
Axial TIR 0.8 mm or less
Radial TIR 1.0 mm or less
Service Limit:
Axial TIR 2.0 mm
Radial TIR 2.0 mm
Axle Inspection
Visually inspect the front and rear axle for damages.
If the axle is damaged or bent, replace it.
Place the axle in V blocks that are 100 mm [A] apart, and
set a dial gauge on the axle at a point halfway between
the blocks. Turn the axle to measure the runout. The
difference between the highest and lowest dial readings
is the amount of runout.
If runout exceeds the service limit, replace the axle.
Axle Runout/100 mm
Under 0.1 mm
Service Limit:
0.2 mm