
WWhheenn uussiinngg tthhee CCiirrccuullaarr SSaaww,, aallwwaayyss mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa ffiirrmm ggrriipp oonn tthhee ttooooll wwiitthh
bbootthh hhaannddss.. NNeevveerr ppuutt yyoouur
r hhaannddss oorr ffeeeett iinn tthhee ccuuttttiinngg aarreeaa.. DDoo nnoott ggrraasspp
tthhee ttooooll oorr ppllaaccee yyoouurr hhaannddss ttoooo cclloossee ttoo tthhee bbllaadde
Keep your hands well away
from the blade. Never reach underneath the tool while the blade is in motion.
Do not use your legs or feet to stabilize the work piece.
KKeeeepp tthhee hhaannddllee ooff tthhee CCoorrddlleessss CCiirrccuullaarr SSaaww ddrryy,, cclleeaann aanndd ffrreeee ffrroomm ooiill aanndd
DDoo nnoott rruunn tthhee CCoorrddlleessss CCiirrccuullaarr SSaaww wwhhiillee ccaarrrryyiinngg iitt aatt yyoouurr ssiiddee..
A mov-
ing blade could cause serious personal injury.
DDiissccoonnnneecctt bbaatttteerryy ppaacckk ffrroomm ttooooll aanndd p
pllaaccee tthhee sswwiittcchh iinn tthhee lloocckkeedd oorr
OOFFFF ppoossiittiioonn bbeeffoorree mmaakkiinngg aannyy aasssseemmbbllyy aaddjjuussttmmeennttss,, cchhaannggiinngg aac
ssoorriieess,, ppeerrffoorrmmiinngg aannyy iinnssppeeccttiioonn,, mmaaiinntteennaannccee oorr cclleeaanniinngg pprroocceedduurreess..
preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the tool accidentally
which could cause serious personal injury.
BBee eexxttrraa ccaarreeffuull wwhhe
enn ccuuttttiinngg iinn hhiigghh oorr hhaarrdd--ttoo--rreeaacchh llooccaattiioonnss.. AAvvooiidd ssaaww--
iinngg oovveerrhheeaadd..
Be on the lookout for hidden wires and falling debris.
DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee CCoorrddlleessss CCiir
rccuullaarr SSaaww iiff iitt hhaass bbeeeenn ddaammaaggeedd,, lleefftt oouuttddoooorrss
iinn tthhee rraaiinn,, ssnnooww,, wweett oorr ddaammpp eennvviirroonnmmeennttss,, oorr iimmmme
errsseedd iinn lliiqquuiidd..
MMaaiinnttaaiinn llaabbeellss aanndd nnaammeeppllaatteess oonn tthhee CCoorrddlleessss CCiirrccuullaarr SSaaww..
These carry
important information. If unreadable or missing, contact Alltrade for a replacement.
Kickback is a sudden reaction to a pinched, bound, or misaligned saw blade,
causing an uncontrolled saw to lift up and out of the work piece toward the
When the blade is pinched or bound tightly by the kerf closing down, the blade
stalls and the motor reaction drives the unit rapidly back toward the operator.
If the blade becomes twisted or misaligned in the cut, the teeth at the back edge
of the blade can dig into the top surface of the wood causing the blade to climb
out of the kerf and jump back toward the operator.
Kickback is the result of tool misuse and/or incorrect operating procedures or
conditions and can be avoided by taking proper precautions as given below:
MMaaiinnttaaiinn aa ffiirrmm ggrriipp oonn tthhee ssaaww aanndd ppoossiittiioonn yyoouurr bbooddyy aanndd aarrmm iinn aa wwaayy tthhaatt
aalllloowwss yyoouu ttoo rreessiisstt KKI
ICCKKBBAACCKK ffoorrcceess..
KICKBACK forces can be controlled by
the operator, if proper precautions are taken.
CChheecckk tthhee ooppeerraattiioonn aanndd ccoonnddiittiioonn ooff tthhee lloowweerr gguuaarrdd sspprriinngg.. IIff tthhee gguuaarrdd aanndd
tthhee sspprriinngg aarree nnoott ooppe
erraattiinngg pprrooppeerrllyy,, tthheeyy mmuusstt bbee sseerrvviicceedd bbeeffoorree uussee..
guard may operate sluggishly due to damaged parts, gummy deposits, or a
buildup of debris.
LLoowweerr gguuaarrdd sshhoouulldd bbee rreettrraacctteedd mmaannuuaallllyy oonnllyy f
foorr ssppeecciiaall ccuuttss ssuucchh aass
PPoocckkeett CCuuttss aanndd CCoommppoouunndd CCuuttss.. RRaaiissee lloowweerr gguuaarrdd bbyy RReettrraaccttiinngg
HHaannddllee.. A
Ass ssoooonn aass tthhee bbllaaddee eenntteerrss tthhee mmaatteerriiaall,, lloowweerr gguuaarrdd mmuusstt bbee
For all other sawing, the lower guard should operate automatically.
AAllwwaayyss oobbsseerrvvee tthhaatt tthhee lloowwe
err gguuaarrdd iiss ccoovveerriinngg tthhee bbllaaddee bbeeffoorree ppllaacciinngg
ssaaww ddoowwnn oonn bbeenncchh oorr fflloooorr..
An unprotected, coasting blade will cause the saw
to walk backwards, cutting whatever is in its path. Be aware of the time it takes
for the blade to stop after the switch is released.
NNEEVVEERR hhoolldd ppiieeccee bbeeiinngg ccu
utt iinn yyoouurr hhaannddss oorr aaccrroossss yyoouurr lleegg..
It is important to
support the work properly to minimize body exposure, blade binding, or loss of con-
HHoolldd ttooooll bbyy iinnssuullaatteedd ggrriippppiinngg ssuurrffaacceess wwhheenn ppeerrffoorrmmiinngg aann oop
wwhheerree tthhee ccuuttttiinngg ttooooll mmaayy ccoonnttaacctt hhiiddddeenn wwiirriinngg..
Contact with a “live” wire
will also make exposed metal parts of the tool “live” and shock the operator.
WWhheenn rriippppiinngg aallwwaayyss uussee aa rriipp ffeennccee oorr s
sttrraaiigghhtt eeddggee gguuiiddee..
This improves
the accuracy of the cut and reduces the chance for blade binding.
AAllwwaayyss uussee bbllaaddeess wwiitthh ccoorrrreecctt ssiizzee aanndd sshhaappee ((ddiiaammoonndd vvss.. rroouunndd)) aarrbboorr
Blades that do not match the mounting hardware of the saw will run
eccentrically, causing loss of control.
NNeevveerr uussee ddaammaaggeedd oorr iinnccoorrrreecctt bbllaaddee wwaasshheerrss oorr bboollttss..
The blade washers
and bolts were specifically designed for your saw, for optimum performance
and safety of operation.
NNEEVVEERR aassssuummee tthhee bbllaaddee hhaass ssttooppppeedd jjuusstt bbeeccaauussee tthhee ttrriiggggeerr hhaass bbeeeenn
Blades may continue moving even after the motor stops.
AAllwwaayyss wweeaarr ssaaffeettyy ggoogggglleess oorr eeyyee pprrootteeccttiioonn wwhheenn uussiinngg tthhiiss ttooooll.. UUssee aa
dduusstt mmaasskk oorr rreessppi
irraattoorr ffoorr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss wwhhiicchh ggeenneerraattee dduusstt..
This saw may
throw up debris that could lodge in the eyes causing severe pain or injury.
IInnssppeecctt tthhee bboollttss aanndd bbllaaddee wwaasshheerrss bbeeffoorree eeaacchh uussee..
Damaged or incorrect
bolts or blade washers can cause injury.