Basic Voice Operation
1. To activate the voice control function, touch the PTT button on screen or
on the remote control (7). The PTT button is located on the left side of
most screens, but is not present on all screens.
2. The system displays the voice icon along with the text “Please say your
command” at the top of the screen.
3. The system “listens” for a command for 5 seconds.
4. Speak a command into the microphone within 5 seconds.
• If speech is not detected, the system displays “No speech.”
• If the speech is not recognized, the system displays “Not recognized.”
• If the speech is recognized, the system displays the command at the
top of the screen and carries out the requested operation.
5. Repeat previous steps, as necessary.
NOTE: While we have a very sophisticated voice recognition algorithm in
the VM9314, voice commands must be spoken clearly and distinctly.
Outside variables such as wind noise and conversation in the
automobile may affect the radio's ability to recognize speech commands.
We advise attempting voice commands with the windows closed.
Using Natural Speech to Access your iPod/iPhone Music Library
While in iPod/iPhone mode, you can use natural speech to access the music
library. The voice control system can recognize keywords and retrieve and
play the desired song or artist.
For example, you can say “I’d like to hear some Nirvana” and the system will
search for Nirvana songs and play them in the order retrieved. You can even
get more specific and say “How about Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana” and
the system will search for and play the specified song, provided the the song is
present in the music library.
Steering Wheel Control
The VM9314 offers the option to re-program one of your steering wheel
controls to operate as the "PTT" (Push To Talk) control on the VM9314,
allowing for a truly hands-free music management experience. See “SWC
(Steering Wheel Control) Sub-menu Features” on page 23.