2.1.3 Setting Tempo rate:
There are 16 levels from -8 to +8. -8 is the lowest, +8 is the fastest and 0
means normal speed.
Under music setting mode, select the tempo sub-menu by tapping the MODE
Button. Tapping
/ to select the rate of playing.
Exit from the play mode setting.
2.2 Managing Your Music Files
2.2.1 Local folder:
1. When music playback is paused, tap the MODE button once to enter the
MUSIC menu.
2. Tap the MODE button again to enter the Local folder submenu.
3. Tap
/ to choose the folder and tap MODE Button to confirm.
2.2.2 Delete file:
1. After selecting the Delete sub-menu, tap
/ to select the file you want to
delete and then tap MODE Button to confirm.
2. Tap
/ to select “Yes” or “No”, If you select “Yes” then tap the MODE