Tap+ Button to fix replay end point B. “A-B” stops flashing and
now it starts to replay the passage between markers A and B.
If you want to change the marker points for a new replay passage,
just tap -Button, then “A” start to flash and repeat above steps to
TapButton to terminate A-B replay function.
MENU-4-4 Exit
Choose this to return to playback pause or stop screen.
While in pause or stop mode, the following 4 functions are
MENU-4-1 Local folder
TapButton to display all supported files in the current folder.
Tap - Button to choose “ \ ” to go up one level to display all other
folders in the user memory.
Tap -or+ Button to choose the desired folder.
Tap Button to confirm.
MENU-4-2 Delete file
TapButton to display all supported files in the current folder.
Tap -or+ Button to choose the desired file to permanently
delete from memory.
TapButton to select.
Tap -or+ Button to choose from “No” (default) or “Yes”.
TapButton to confirm.
MENU-4-3 Delete all
TapButton to permanently delete all files in the current folder
from memory.
Tap -or+ Button to choose from “No” (default) or “Yes”.
TapButton to confirm.
MENU-4-4 Exit
Choose this to return to playback pause or stop screen.
Choose RADIO to listen to the built-in FM radio (87.5 to 108MHz).