2.2 - Propelling the wheelchair
The wheels of your wheelchair are fitted with handrims.
These should be adjusted so that you can get a good grip with your hands.
Various accessories may be fitted to improve the grip ( plastic covers, studs, etc . . . )
The qualified medical or paramedical personnel will be able to advise you on the most
appropriate way of propelling yourself.
Do not put any part of your body in the spaces when the chair is in motion
3 - Safety checks and maintenance
3.1 - Checking performance
As a user, you are the first to notice that your wheelchair is not operating
properly. The following table shows some readily identified symptoms and
gives the preliminary checks to be carried out.
wheelchair wheelchair wheelchair Castors Creaks Play in Checks
drags drags turns or moves wobble and the chair
to the right to the left slowly clicking
Check that the pneumatic
pressure is correct and
Check that the bolts
are tight
Check that the angle ot
the front forks is correct
Check that the castors are
both in contact with
ground at the same time
If the symptoms persist when the pneumatic pressure has been corrected
and the nuts and screws have been tightened, consult your distributor.
The inner tubes of the wheels are the only components which should be
repaired by the user. See page 20.
For maintenance of the wheelchair, please contact your dealer.
3.2 - Checking the general condition
For maintenance operations, consult your distributor who has all the
necessary information.
Once a year, have your wheelchair checked by your distributor for a thorough
inspection and maintenance. Regular maintenance allows defective or worn
parts to be identified and improves the normal operation of your wheelchair.