Back Cane Attaching Hardware For ADJASBA Seats (12"-16" W x 16"-18" D) TRRO Option
Back Cane Attaching Hardware For ADJASBA Seats (16"-24" Wide) TRRO Option .............. 75
Back Canes and Spreader Bars For ADJASBA Seat (12"-16" Wide) (After 7/4/05) ................ 62
Back Canes and Spreader Bars For ADJASBA Seat (16"-24" Wide) (After 7/4/05) ................ 70
Back Canes, Spreader Bars and Attaching Hardware For ASBA Seats (12"-24" Wide) (Before
Back, Contoura without Mounting Hardware ............................................................................ 53
Back, Mounting Hardware, Contoura - ADJASBA Only ........................................................... 55
Back, Recliner Assembly For ADJRECL Seat Frames (After 7/4/05) ...................................... 86
Back, Recliner Assembly For ASBA Seat Frames (Before 7/5/05) .......................................... 83
Battery Box and Tray Assembly - 22NF Batteries .................................................................... 204
Battery Boxes and Support Frame - Group 24 Batteries .......................................................... 200
Battery Chargers and MKIV Harnesses ................................................................................... 195
Battery Chargers, MK6i Battery Cables and Sensor Cables .................................................... 198
Captain Seat Assembly (After 10/31/01) .................................................................................. 32
Captain Seat Assembly (Before 11/1/01) ................................................................................. 30
Caster and Forks, 6" Assembly ................................................................................................ 177
Caster and Forks, 8" and 9" Assemblies .................................................................................. 174
Electronics - MK6i ~PLEASE READ THIS SECTION~ ............................................................ 194
Electronics - MKIV ~PLEASE READ THIS SECTION~ ........................................................... 193
Elevating Seat Option - Battery Tray, Proximity Sensor and Hardware ................................... 206
Elevating Seat Option - Elevating Actuator, Switch Sensor and Hardware .............................. 208
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
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