3G Storm Series
Wheelchairs 114 Part No. 1104849
9. Line up the mounting holes of the NEW gas cylinder and the bracket of the back cane.
10. Reinstall the mounting screw through the mounting bracket of the back cane, nylon
washer, NEW gas cylinder, nylon washer, mounting bracket and washer and
securely tighten with the existing locknut. Torque to 75 in-lbs.
11. Adjust the NEW gas cylinders. Refer to ADJUSTING GAS CYLINDERS in this
section of the manual.
1. To adjust the LEFT gas cylinder: Squeeze the handle of the RIGHT recliner cable
assembly and try to recline the back. The back should not recline.
2. If the LEFT side of the back releases without squeezing the handle of the LEFT
recliner cable assembly, perform the following steps:
A. Finger tighten the jam nut on the rod of the gas cylinder until it bottoms out on
the rod of the cylinder (FIGURE 4).
B. Turn the jam nut on the LEFT gas cylinder COUNTERCLOCKWISE
approximately half (1/2) revolution.
NOTE: The gas cylinder rod will turn.
C. Repeat STEP 1.
D. Repeat STEP B until the LEFT side of the back DOES NOT recline.
3. To adjust the RIGHT gas cylinder: Repeat STEPS 1 and 2 for the LEFT handle of the
cable assembly.
Damage to the gas cylinder rod WILL occur if the following steps are
NOT followed when the jam nut is torqued against the pivot block.
4. Using NO LARGER than 1/4-inch wide, fine toothed pliers, wrap masking tape
around the teeth of the pliers two (2) or three (3) revolutions.
5. Using NO excessive force, hold the gas cylinder rod just above the jam nut.
6. While holding the gas cylinder rod and using a 17 mm wrench, turn the jam nut
CLOCKWISE and torque the RIGHT and LEFT jam nuts against the RIGHT
and LEFT pivot blocks to 156 in-lbs.
1. Press the push pins on the headrest extension tubes in and remove headrest
extension from back canes.
2. Remove the recliner cables from the back canes. Refer to REPLACING RECLINER
CABLE ASSEMBLIES in this section of the manual.
3. Remove the mounting screws, washers and locknuts that secure the TOP of the gas
cylinders to the mounting bracket on the back canes.
4. Remove the mounting screws, washers and locknuts that secure the back canes to
the seat frame.
5. Remove the existing recliner back assembly from the wheelchair.