Part No. 1090132 Rev F 11 Invacare Scooters
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) from sources such as radio and TV
stations, amateur radio (HAM) transmitters, two-way radios, and cellular
phones can affect powered scooters. Following the warnings listed should
reduce the chance of unintended brake release or powered scooter move-
ment which could result in serious injury.
1) Do not operate hand-held transceivers (transmitters receivers), such
as citizens band (CB radios, or turn ON personal communication devices,
such as cellular phones, while the powered scooter is turned ON;
2) Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV stations, and
try to avoid coming close to them;
3) If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn the powered
scooter OFF as soon as it is safe;
4) Be aware that adding accessories or components, or modifying the
powered scooter, may make it more susceptible to EMI (Note: There is
no easy way to evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the pow-
ered scooter); and
5) Report all incidents of unintended movement or brake release to the
powered scooter manufacturer, and note whether there is a source of
EMI nearby.
1) 20 volts per meter (V/m) is a generally achievable and useful immu-
nity level against EMI (as of May 1994) (the higher the level, the greater
the protection);
2) The immunity level of this product is unknown.