Part No. 1125075 117 Pronto® Series
11. If new motor brush was installed, perform the following process:
NOTE: This process, also called Brush Burn-in or Finger Printing Process, is necessary to seat
the brush to the commutator plates inside the motor for optimum performance of the motor.
DO NOT leave the wheelchair unattended while performing this procedure -
otherwise damage to wheelchair and/or property may occur.
NOTE: This procedure MUST be performed with little or no load on the motor.
A. Put the wheelchair on blocks so that the drive wheels do not contact the ground.
NOTE: For steps B and D, use a rubber band to hold the driver control in the direction needed
or program the chair for latched driving. Refer to the electronics manual for latched
programming instructions.
B. Run the motors forward for one hour.
C. Turn motors Off and allow 30 minutes for motors to cool off.
D. Run the motors in reverse for one hour.
E. When process is complete, remove wheelchair from blocks and test drive the
wheel chair.
NOTE: If wheelchair still does not perform properly, call Technical Service at 1-800-832-4707.