Lift 8 Part No. 1148115
SECTION 1 - GENERAL GUIDELINES contains important information for the safe
operation and use of this product.
DO NOT move a person suspended in a sling any distance. The Invacare lift is NOT
a transport device. It is intended to transfer an individual from one resting surface
to another (such as a bed to a wheelchair). Otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
Assembling the Lift
Using the Sling
Standing Slings - Individuals that use the standing sling MUST be able to support the
majority of their own weight, otherwise injury can occur. Before lifting the patient,
make sure the bottom edge of the standing sling is positioned on the lower back of
the patient and the patient's arms are outside the standing sling. The belt MUST be
snug, but comfortable on the patient, otherwise the patient can slide out of the sling
during transfer, possibly causing injury.
Transport Slings - Before lifting the patient, make sure the bottom edge of the
transport sling is at the base of the spine and the patient's arms are outside the
transport sling. DO NOT raise the patient to a full standing position while using the
transport sling, otherwise injury may occur.
DO NOT use any kind of material (such as a plastic back incontinence pad or
seating cushion) between the patient and sling material that may cause the patient
to slide out of the sling during transferring.
ALWAYS use the color coded strap on the standing sling closest to the patient
while still maintaining patient stability and comfort. The shortest of the straps must
be at the back of patient for support. Using the long section will leave little or no
support for the patient's back. The loops of the sling are color coded and can be
used to place the patient in various positions. The colors make it easy to connect
both sides of the sling equally. Make sure that there is sufficient head support when
lifting a patient.