9000 Series 10 Part No. 1056953
The seat depth, back height/angle, seat angle, size/position of the front
casters, size/position of the rear wheels, anti-tipper model, as well as the
user condition directly relate to the stability of the wheelchair. Any
change to one (1) or any combination of the ten (10) may cause the
wheelcahir to decrease in stability. These adjustments MUST be per-
formed by a qualified technician.
Seat Depth
Back Height
Back Angle
Seat Angle
Caster Size
Caster Position
Wheel Size
Wheel Position
(front and rear)
User Condition
Seat Depth N/A N/A N/A üüN/A N/A üü
Back Height N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ü
Back Angle N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A üüü
Seat Angle N/A N/A N/A üüüü ü ü
Caster Size N/A N/A N/A ü üü ü ü ü
Caster Position N/A N/A N/A üü üü ü ü
Wheel Size N/A N/A N/A üü ü üüü
Wheel Position N/A N/A N/A üü üü üü
User Condition üüüüüüüü ü
NOTE: When changes to the left hand column occur, follow across the chart and refer to the
ü procedure to maintain the proper stability, safety and handling of the wheelchair.
The various seat-to-floor heights require specific settings depending on
rear wheel size, rear wheel position, front caster size/position and desired
seat-to-floor angle. These adjustments MUST be performed by a qualified
Anti-tippers are specific to the different seat-to-floor angles and/or seat-to-
floor heights. Refer to the chart in INSTALLING/ADJUSTING THE ANTI-
TIPPERS in SECTION 8 of this manual for correct usage and adjustment. If
these requirements CANNOT be achieved, DO NOT use the wheelchair.
Contact a qualified technician. If changing the seat-to-floor height with or
without a change to seat-to-floor angle, the correct anti-tippers MUST be
used to maintain a 1-1/2 to 2-inch ground clearance.
Seat-to-floor angle of 0° or 3°: If so equipped, anti-tippers MUST be at-
tached at all times. Inasmuch as the anti-tippers are an option for 0° or 3°
on this wheelchair (you may order with or without the anti-tippers),
Invacare strongly recommends ordering the anti-tippers as a safeguard
for the wheelchair user.