Accessories, Arm Pads - Otto Bock ......................................................................................... 145
Accessories, Back Mtg. Hardware (Infinity, Personal, JAY, Silhouette, Contour U Backs w/
Extruded Canes) (Profile Back w/ 7/8" Round Canes)
Accessories, Headrest Support Assembly - A.B.S. Curved and Profile Back .......................... 147
Accessories, Lateral Support Assembly - (Clamp-On) For Round Canes ............................... 151
Accessories, Lateral Support Assembly - For Extruded Canes ............................................... 149
Accessories, Miscellaneous .................................................................................................... 168
Accessories, Power Wheelchair Tool Kit .................................................................................. 166
Accessories, Vent Tray Assembly without Mounting Hardware ............................................... 157
Accessories, Vent Tray Kit For Extruded & Round Back Canes .............................................. 163
Accessories, Vent Tray Mounting Hardware For Extruded Back Canes .................................. 159
Accessories, Vent Tray Mounting Hardware For Round Back Canes ...................................... 161
Armrest Assembly - 2GR and 2GTR ........................................................................................ 65
Armrest Assembly - 2GT .......................................................................................................... 62
Back Assembly Mounting Hardware - A.B.S. Curved and Profile ............................................ 55
Back Assembly Mounting Hardware - A.B.S. Curved Back For (7/8" Round) Back Canes ..... 58
Back Assembly V.S.R. Actuator Motor and Mounting Hardware - 2GR and 2GTR ................. 60
Back Cane (7/8" Round-Optional) and Spreader Bar Assembly - 2GR and 2GTR .................. 37
Back Cane (7/8" Round-Optional) and Spreader Bar Assembly - 2GT .................................... 35
Back Cane and Spreader Bar Assembly - 2GR and 2GTR ...................................................... 39
Back Cane and Spreader Bar Assembly - 2GT ........................................................................ 33
Back, A.B.S. Curved without Mounting Hardware - 2GR and 2GTR with V.S.R. ..................... 47
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
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