Pronto®Air Personal Transporter w/ MyBody™ Seating
Personal Transporter Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI)
– DO NOT operate handheld transceivers (transmitters
receivers), such as citizens band (CB) radios, or turn
ON personal communication devices, such as cellular
phones, while the personal transporter is turned ON;
– Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as radio or TV
stations, and try to avoid coming close to them;
– If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn
the personal transporter OFF as soon as it is safe;
– Be aware that adding accessories or components, or
modifying the personal transporter, may make it more
susceptible to EMI (Note: There is no easy way to
evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the
personal transporter); and
– Report all incidents of unintended movement or brake
release to the personal transporter manufacturer, and
note whether there is a source of EMI nearby.
Important Information
– 20 volts per meter (V/m) is a generally achievable and
useful immunity level against EMI (as of May 1994) (the
higher the level, the greater the protection);
– This device has been tested to a radiated immunity
level of 20 volts per meter.
– The immunity level of the product is unknown.
– Modification of any kind to the electronics of this
scooter as manufactured by Invacare may adversely
affect the EMI immunity levels.