Part No. 1143206 7 Pronto® M41 with SureStep®
The following warnings apply specifically to the SureStep Feature.
• DO NOT use on inclines greater than 7°.
• DO NOT use on inclines with wet, slippery, icy or oily surfaces. This may include
certain painted or otherwise treated wood surfaces.
• DO NOT traverse down ramps at high speed. Doing so will reduce traction and
increase stopping distance.
• The end user’s weight can substantially affect traction on sloped surfaces. Great
care should be taken when traversing such slopes.
Wheelchairs should be examined during maintenance for signs of corrosion (water
exposure, incontinence, etc.). Electrical components damaged by corrosion should
be replaced IMMEDIATELY.
Wheelchairs that are used by incontinent users and/or are frequently exposed to
water may require replacement of electrical components more frequently.
To determine and establish your particular safety limits, practice use of this product
on various sloping surfaces in the presence of a qualified healthcare provider before
attempting active use of this wheelchair. Other general warnings listed within this
document also apply.