ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Health Event Strings
68 Technical Product Specification
11.1.3 SNMP Trap Event Syntax
The following is the syntax of each SNMP trap for an associated event:
Time : [TimeStamp] , Location : [ChassisLocation] , Chassis Serial # :
[ChassisSN] , Board : [Location] , Sensor : [SDR Sensor Name] , Event :
[Health Event String]
• Timestamp is in the format: [Day] [Month] [Date] [HH:MM:SS] [Year]. For example,
Thu Dec 11 22:20:03 2003
• ChassisLocation is the chassis location information recorded in the chassis FRU.
• ChassisSN is the chassis serial number recorde in the chassis FRU.
• Location is the location where the sensor generating the event is located (i.e., CMM)
• SDR Sensor Name is the name given to the sensor in the Sensor Data Record (SDR).
• Health Event Strings are listed in Section 11.4, “List of Possible Health Event Strings” on
page 70.
11.2 Sensor Targets
Available sensors for a location can be retrieved with the listtargets dataitem argument of the
cmmget command. To view a list of sensor targets on the cmm using the listtargets command:
cmmget -l cmm -d listtargets
The CMM lists the following sensors that can be queried for health events:
For complete lists of sensors on other components (i.e., voltage sensors on blade1), refer to the
corresponding Technical Product Specification for that product.
Table 28. CMM Sensor Targets
Sensor Target Description
Brd Temp Board Temperature Sensor
+1.5V +1.5 Volt Sensor
+2.5V +2.5 Volt Sensor
+3.3V +3.3 Volt Sensor
+5V +5 Volt Sensor
Eth0 Interface Eth0 LAN Sensor
Eth1 Interface Eth1 LAN Sensor
Eth1:1 Interface Eth1:1 LAN Sensor
TASensor1 Telco Alarm Input Sensor 1
TASensor2 Telco Alarm Input Sensor 2
BIST Built-in Self Test Sensor Type