Intel® Solid-State Drive DC P3700 Series
Product Specification May 2015
26 330566-009US
Table 19: Additional SMART Attributes (Log Identifier CAh)
Raw value: shows total count of program fails.
Normalized value: beginning at 100, shows the
percent remaining of allowable program fails.
Raw value: shows total count of erase fails.
Normalized value: beginning at 100, shows the
percent remaining of allowable erase fails.
Raw value:
Bytes 1-0: Min. erase cycle
Bytes 3-2: Max. erase cycle
Bytes 5-4: Avg. erase cycles
Normalized value: decrements from 100 to 0.
B8 (End to End Error Detection Count)
Raw value: reports number of End-to-End
detected and corrected errors by hardware.
Normalized value: always 100.
Raw value: total number of PCIe Interface CRC
errors encountered, as specified in PCIe Link
Performance Counter Parameter for “Bad TLP”.
Normalized value: always 100.
E2 (Timed Workload, Media Wear)
Raw value: measures the wear seen by the SSD
(since reset of the workload timer, attribute E4h),
as a percentage of the maximum rated cycles.
Divide the raw value by 1024 to derive the
percentage with 3 decimal points.
Normalized value: always 100.
E3 (Timed Workload, Host Reads %)
Raw value: shows the percentage of I/O
operations that are read operations (since reset
of the workload timer, attribute E4h). Reported
as integer percentage from 0 to 100.
Normalized value: always 100.
E4 (Timed Workload, Timer)
Raw value: measures the elapsed time (number
of minutes since starting this workload timer).
Normalized value: always 100.
EA (Thermal Throttle Status)
Raw value: reports Percent Throttle Status and
Count of events
Byte 0: Throttle status reported as integer
Bytes 1-4: Throttling event count. Number of
times thermal throttle has activated. Preserved
over power cycles.
Byte 5: Reserved.
Normalized value: always 100.
F0 (Retry Buffer Overflow Counter)
Raw Value: Counter to indicate the number of
times Retry Buffer has overflown
Normalized Value is always 100
Raw Value: Counter to indicate the number of
times PCIe Refclock PLL has unlocked
Normalized Value is always 100