System Requirements
The DTR-7.3 is a network audio client that is connected via a LAN to a
server NAS-2.3 and allows you to enjoy music files saved on the server
NAS-2.3, as well as Internet radio, from anywhere in your home.
Internet radio features
The DTR-7.3 provides enhanced support for Internet radio and allows
you to:
• Listen to both WMA and MP3 audio streamed from Internet radio
• Select stations by genre, location, or language
• Preset up to 30 Internet radio stations
Net-Tune Features
The NAS-2.3 distributes music files through LAN to the DTR-7.3.
The DTR-7.3 plays distributed music data whenever you need.
In the connection between the NAS-2.3 and the DTR-7.3, the standard
TCP/IP network protocol and the Integra/Onkyo’s proprietary NTSP
protocol is used for music distribution through LAN. The NTSP protocol
handles not only data for music itself but also additional music
information including the name of tracks and artists, enabling high
The NAS-2.3 supports WAVE (PCM) and MP3 formats. The WAVE
format has high sound quality (equivalent to CD) with no compression.
The MP3 format is widely used through Internet environment and has
near-CD quality with compression.
File Format: MP3/WMA (Approximately 1 MB for 1 minute)
WAVE (Approximately 10 MB for 1 minute)
* How much free space is actually required also depends somewhat on
such factors as the format and reserved space of your hard disk, and
the bit rate at which you make recordings.
* Depending on the MP3 encoder you use, your recorded file may not
be playable, or can play the music degraded by noise, or can
generate uncomfortable sound.
Requirements for listening to both Internet radio stations
and music files saved on the music server
■ Modem (a device that provides Internet connections via leased lines;
e.g., a cable modem, xDSL modem, terminal adapter)
* To have access to Internet, you typically need to make a contract
with an Internet service provider (ISP). Modem requirements differ
from ISP to ISP; for detailed information, consult with your ISP or
PC retailer.
■ Router (gateway) (a device that enables multiple PCs or devices to
connect to the Internet simultaneously)
An IP address can be obtained automatically by using the router’s
DHCP function.
* Some routers have built-in modem functionality. Router
requirements differ from ISP to ISP; for detailed information,
consult with your ISP or PC retailer.
■ Ethernet CAT-5 cable
■ Minimum Internet Connection Requirements:
• Broadband Internet Connection
• DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) based network
(requires a DHCP-enabled router)
• 100Base-TX switch built-in broadband router (recommended)
• To enjoy music on Internet Radio, it is assumed that you provide a
broadband Internet connection on which you can successfully run a
web browser. If you have any problem in connecting to the Internet,
consult with your ISP.
• If your ISP contract assumes manual configuration of network
settings, you need to manually configure your network settings as
described in “Network Setup Menu” (see page 6).
• The DTR-7.3 does not support network settings for PPPoE
connections; if your ISP contract requires PPPoE, therefore, you
must have a gateway/router with PPPoE support.
• You may have to set up a proxy server to listen to Internet radio,
depending on the ISP you choose. If your PC is configured to use a
proxy server for Internet access, the DTR-7.3 must also be
configured the same way. For more information, see “5-2. Proxy
Setup Sub-menu” (see page 7).
• The DTR-7.3 is designed to take advantage of the DHCP and AutoIP
functionality, thereby automatically configuring the network
settings. If you opt not to use the DHCP and AutoIP functionality,
you should manually configure the network settings. For more
information, see “5-1.IP Address Sub-menu” (see page 7).
How to Enjoy Net Audio