This section provides basic troubleshooting information. Specific causes to problems are best identified by thorough inspections
performed by personnel instructed in safety, operation and maintenance of this equipment. The chart below provides a brief guide to
common hoist symptoms, probable causes and remedies.
1. Remove end of load chain from end anchor (21 and 22).
a. 1/2, 1, 1-1/2 and 2 ton units are single fall hoists. The
load end of the load chain (43) is anchored to the
bottom hook assembly (38). To disconnect the load
chain from the bottom hook assembly (38) remove
chain bolt (39) and U-nut (40).
b. 3 and 5 ton units are double chain fall hoists. The load
end of the load chain (43) is anchored to the top hook
assembly (37). To disconnect the load chain from the
top hook assembly (37) remove chain bolt (39) and
U-nut (40).
2. Make a “C” link in new load chain by grinding through one
side of the end link (refer to Dwg. MHP0016). To avoid
twisting, the load chain on 3 and 5 ton units must have an
odd number of links, not counting the “C” link.
3. Using a “C” link, join the old load chain to the new load
chain. (If the old load chain was installed correctly, the “C”
link assures end link of new load chain will be correctly
reeved through the hoist.) Be sure welds of “standing”
links on the new load chain are facing away from the hoist
load sheave(s) (6). Refer to Dwg. MHP0042.
(Dwg. MHP0042)
• Never perform maintenance on the hoist while it is
supporting a load.
• Before performing maintenance, tag hoist:
• Only allow personnel trained in operating and servicing
this product to perform maintenance.
• After performing maintenance on the hoist, test unit to
125% of its rated capacity before returning to service.
Testing to 150% of rated capacity might be required to
comply with standards and regulations set forth in areas
outside of the USA.
Installing New Load Chain
• Do not remove the old load chain from the hoist. The old
load chain can be used to install the new load chain.
• To prevent a falling load which can cause death, injury or
property damage the hook (38) must be on left fall of load
chain (43) and right fall must be attached to hoist body with
end anchor (21 and 22). Right and left are designated when
viewed from the hand chain side of the hoist.