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7R Motor Housing Assembly Parts List
Item Part Description Part Number
122 Gear Head
for M ratio 7AM-216
for N ratio 7AN-216
123 Gear Head Planet Gear Assembly (3) (for M and H ratios) 7AH-A10
124 Planet Gear Bearing (1 for each Gear) 7AH-500
125 Gear Head Spacer 7AN-80
Gear Case Assembly
for L ratio 7LH-A37A
for M and N ratios 7LM-A37A
127 Gear Case
for L ratio 7LH-B37A
for M and N ratios 7LM-B37A
128 Grease Fitting D0F9-879
129 Grease Shield 5R-701
130 Spindle Bearing R1L-24
131 Spindle Bearing Retainer 7L-28
* Grease Gun R000A2-228
* Reverse Valve Cap Wrench 141A12-26
* Tune-up Kit
for Models 7RALC1, 7RALD1, 7RAMC1, 7RALP1, 7RAMC3, 7RAMP1, 7RANP1 and
7RALC3 (includes illustrated parts: 3, 7, 10, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 24A, 27,
101, 105, 109 and 117) 7RA-S/D-TK1
for Models 7RLLC1, 7RLLC3 and 7RLMC1 (includes illustrated parts: 53, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68,
70, 101, 103, 105, 109 and 117) 7RL-S/D-A/T-TK1
* Not illustrated.
• To keep downtime to a minimum, it is desirable to have on hand certain repair parts. We recommend that you stock one (pair or set) of each part
indicated by a bullet (•) for every four tools in service.
† Indicates Tune-up Kit part.