
1-5 What Causes the Unit to:
1-5A Raising
NOTE: In the following brake “OFF means brake solenoid is powered, allowing motor rotation. Motor
brake “ON” is brake solenoid de-energized and brake is applied preventing rotation.
When you click on the “RAISE” icon on the program window, this signals the CPU that you want to start
the raise sequence.
1. LIFT BRAKE “ON” CPU signals the motor drive invertors of pitch/roll to set the brakes to
2. Pitch, roll and lift encoders are set to zero and monitored for count by CPU. Roll axes is
locked at this time brake ON.
3. Lift brake “OFF”, platform raises @2.5” and stops the raise command to allow platform to
level, Lift brake back “ON”.
4. Monitoring the pitch encoder, the counterweight moves opposite the heavy end, stops,
reverses direction, stops. The CPU counts the encoder value takes the average and takes ½
the signal to drive the counterweight to null or balanced position. Pitch motor brake is turned
“ON” thereby locking the axes to zero before the remainder of lift occurs. Also, the CPU is
now monitoring for a Roll or Pitch movement. Should either occur and move greater than 15
degrees, motion is stopped immediately and all brakes applied. Emergency lowering must be
5. Lift brake to “OFF” , CPU monitors lift encoder for the rest of the raise command. Platform
raises a max. of 29.75”, calculated by counting lines per revolution per inch of raise.
6. Platform reaches the top, stops, lift brake turned “ON” when upper limit switches are reached.
Upper limit switches do not stop raise power of lift motor. They are only a signal to the CPU that
the platform has reached the upper limit and it is safe to allow full motion.
1-5B Lowering
At the completion of a programmed ride or anytime normal lowering is desired the following occurs:
1. CPU commands pitch/roll brake “ON”.
2. CPU while monitoring the lift encoder during decent, counts the lines per inch. Lift brake “OFF”
lowering initiated. CPU also monitors for 15 degree safety movement in Pitch/Roll axes.
3. CPU measures @27” of decent and slows the lowering speed.
4. CPU measures @29” of decent and slows motor again.
5. At @29” the CPU commands pitch/roll brakes “OFF”, these stay off for remainder of action.
6. Platform comes to rest at @29.75”, hits lower stop bar, CPU stops lift motor drive and turns lift
brake to “ON”
7. Lowered or down sensor is enabled, this signals the CPU to zero all the encoders, motion com
and Maxzilla program are reset to default start ready for the next cycle.
1-5C Stop
STOP is a command given by:
1. Computer during a normal cycle of operation that is semi-automatic in nature.
2. Manual directed via the CPU by the operator. Stops all motion if in a running program.
Stops motion when testing an axes in manual test.
3. E-Stop manually removes all power to the motor drives and applies all the brakes on all the
motors instantly. This halts all motion instantly.