Wired LAN
Wireless LAN
Restart Network...
( Network )
MDL: IN3924
FW: 1.02
Allow you to configure the network settings.
Wired LAN
DHCP: Abbrev
iation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This
protocol automatically assigns IP Addresses to networked devices.
• When the “DHCP” is set to “On”,
the DHCP server will assign an
IP address to the projector automatically. This may take up to a
• When the "DHCP" is set to "Off", the user will need to set the IP
address manually.
IP Address: The
numerical address used to identify devices on the net-
work. This is only accessible when DHCP is set to Off.
• The IP Address is the number that ide
ntifies this projector on the
network. You cannot have two devices with the same IP Address on
the same network.
• The IP Address “” is prohibited.
Subnet Mask: A numeric value d
efining the number of bits used in an IP
Address when the network is divided into subnets. This function can only
be used when DHCP is set to Off.
• The Subnet Mask “” is prohibited.
Default Gateway: A
server (or router) to communicate across networks
(subnets) that are divided by a Subnet Mask. This function can only be
used when DHCP is set to Off.
Setup DNS server address when DHCP is disabled.
Mac Address: Abbreviation for Media Access Control Address. A Mac
Address is a unique ID number assigned to each network adapter.
Apply: Save an
d execute the wired network settings.
Wireless LAN
Display the projector’s SSID information.
IP Address: a read-only display of IP Address.
Subnet Mask: a read-only display of Subnet Mask.
Restart Network...: Restart network
Source Info: a read-only display of current source settings.
Projector Info: a read-only
display of current projector settings.
Reset Lamp Hours...:
resets the lamp hours used counter in the Projector Info
menu to zero. Do this only after changing the lamp.
Factory Reset...: restor
es all settings to their factory default settings.
Service Code...:
only used by authorized service personnel.