
EZ Display: Streaming Doc
To stream your documents, transfer the documents you want from the computer
to your mobile device and disconnect your mobile device. Documents will be
organized by their format type.
Select a file to display it wirelessly. Click the Sketch icon to begin drawing and
annotating your file. Click Save when you are done editing.
EZ Display: Pix Viewer
To display your photos, select Photo Gallery and select your photo. You can also
draw on it with the Sketch feature.
EZ Display: Live Cam
Live Cam will project what your camera sees in real-time. You can adjust the
image quality and switch between the front or rear view of the camera. When you
pause the camera stream, you can enable Sketch and zoom in/out the current
image. You can also save your camera stream as a camera roll.
iOS screen
Android screen
iOS screen
Android screen
Android screen
iOS screen