2.2 Understand the Basis: FlowMark V2.3
The suggestions in this redbook are based on FlowMark as it is implemented in
Version 2 Release 3, the generally available (GA) level of code. As early users find
new and intriguing ways to solve their business problems using workflow, they will
at times desire functions that are not offered or find uses that exceed the capacity
intended by the original design. While the following information reflects some of
these limitations, enhancements are being developed in FlowMark to remove
constraints and provide new functional capability. Please use this only as a guide
for the use of FlowMark Version 2 Release 3.
While this document reflects the implementation in V2.3, you can expect
enhancements. When new releases become available, understand what they
provide and do not let this document deter your use of the added functions.
4 FlowMark V2.3 Design Guidelines