
Appendix A. Summary of Maximo Asset Management Essentials modules and applications 127
Draft Document for Review May 23, 2008 10:14 am 7645ax01.fm
Cron Task Setup Used to manage cron tasks. Cron tasks are
behind-the-scene jobs set to run automatically and
on a fixed schedule
Domains Used to maintain lists of defined values that
appear in drop-down lists (sometimes referred to
as value lists)
Logging Use the Logging application to manage log
settings and configure log files. The application is
part of the System Configuration module of the
System Properties Use the System Properties application to manage
system properties and their values used by
various product components.
Web Services Use the Web Services Library application to
create, modify, and delete web services. You also
can generate schema and Web Service
Description Language (WSDL) files for any web
service that you deploy.External applications can
use web services to query or to send transactions
to the integration framework.
Object Structures Use the Object Structures application to create,
view, modify, and manage the processing logic of
an object structure. An object structure is the
common data layer that the integration framework
uses for all outbound and inbound application data
processing. An object structure consists of one or
more sub-records that develops their XML content
from a particular object.
Migration Migration Manager Use the Migration Manager application to define,
create, distribute, and deploy packages. Packages
are used to transfer and deploy the many
configuration changes possible with Maximo's
configuration tool set from one environment to
another (i.e. Dev, to Test, to Production...).
Migration Groups Use the Migration Groups application to create
groups of configuration objects and link related
(dependent) groups to the objects that you create.
You group configuration objects ensure that all
related configuration data is collected from source
environments and distributed to target