
Cluster Hardware and Software Preparation 83
Creating a Concurrent Access Volume Group on Serial Disk
To use a concurrent access volume group, defined on a serial disk subsystem
such as an IBM 7133 disk subsystem, you must create it as a
volume group. A concurrent-capable volume group can
be activated (varied on) in either non-concurrent mode or concurrent access
mode. To define logical volumes on a concurrent-capable volume group, it
must be varied on in non-concurrent mode.
You can use
smit mkvg with the following options to build the volume group:
Table 14. smit mkvg Options (Concurrent, Non-RAID)
Creating a Concurrent Access Volume Group on RAID Disk
To create a concurrent access volume group on a RAID disk subsystem, such
as an IBM 7135 disk subsystem, follow the same procedure as you would to
create a non-concurrent access volume group. A concurrent access volume
group can be activated (varied on) in either non-concurrent mode or
concurrent access mode. To define logical volumes on a concurrent access
volume group, it must be varied on in non-concurrent mode.
Options Description
VOLUME GROUP name Specify name of volume group.
Physical partition SIZE in
Accept the default.
PHYSICAL VOLUME NAMES Specify the names of the physical volumes you want
included in the volume group.
Activate volume group
Set this field to no so that the volume group can be
activated as appropriate by the cluster event scripts.
ACTIVATE volume group after it
is created?
Set this field to no.
Volume Group MAJOR
Accept the default.
Create VG concurrent capable? Set this field to yes so that the volume group can be
activated in concurrent access mode by the HACMP
for AIX event scripts.
Auto-varyon concurrent mode? Set this field to no so that the volume group can be
activated as appropriate by the cluster event scripts.